
游艇驾驶 On Island Time: Kayaking the Caribbean岛上时间:皮划艇加勒比

2020-5-21 16:13 · 航海文库
来自: 山东青岛


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On Island Time: Kayaking the Caribbean岛上时间:皮划艇加勒比 453128e654c41782f97ae38fc98bc5fe.jpg
On Island Time: Kayaking the Caribbean岛上时间:皮划艇加勒比PDF下载
Scott B. Williams - On Island Time_ Kayaking the Caribbean (2005).pdf (1.42 MB, 下载次数: 0, 售价: 10 贝壳)
On Island Time: Kayaking the Caribbean
Scott B. Williams
Tourists visit popular islands of the Caribbean by the planeload. What they don't see from their resort hotels are the hundreds of out-of-the-way, uninhabited islands sprinkled along the West Indies chain from Florida to South America. This alluring archipelago, strung with beaches accessible only by boat but spaced temptingly close together, led Mississippi adventurer Scott B. Williams to embark upon an open-ended quest to see how far south he could go in a seventeen-foot sea kayak.
游客乘飞机前往加勒比海的受欢迎岛屿。他们从度假酒店看不到的是沿着从佛罗里达州到南美的西印度群岛沿线散布的数百个无人居住的岛屿。这座诱人的群岛上布满了只能乘船前往的海滩,但诱人地相距很近,这导致密西西比州冒险家斯科特·威廉姆斯(Scott B. Williams)展开了一项不限成员名额的探险活动,以了解他在17英尺长的海上皮划艇中可以走多远。
No one was willing to accompany him. He spent months working his way down the west coast of Florida, through the Bahamas, and on to Hispaniola, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. On Island Time, his narrative of this journey of a lifetime, describes the wonders of discovery as he makes landfall on pristine cays. Relentless headwinds, dangerous surf, countless beaches declared off-limits to trespassing, and aggressive sharks that ram his kayak and snap him out of his musing remind the adventurer that this paradise is far from perfect. Every day of the journey required constant vigilance.
With no one to depend on and often no one even knowing where he was for weeks at a time, Williams learned what it means to be self-reliant and to adjust to ''island time.'' With just a simple, human-powered craft and the few belongings that would fit inside, Williams explores an almost boundless frontier and a powerful natural stretch of the Caribbean rarely if ever accessed by the island tourist.
Pages:254 / 267
页数:254 / 267
ISBN 10:1578067464
ISBN 13:9781578067466
File:    PDF1.35 MB
文件:PDF1.35 MB


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On Island Time: Kayaking the Caribbean岛上时间:皮划艇加勒比 453128e654c41782f97ae38fc98bc5fe.jpg
On Island Time: Kayaking the Caribbean岛上时间:皮划艇加勒比PDF下载
Scott B. Williams - On Island Time_ Kayaking the Caribbean (2005).pdf (1.42 MB, 下载次数: 0, 售价: 10 贝壳)
On Island Time: Kayaking the Caribbean
Scott B. Williams
Tourists visit popular islands of the Caribbean by the planeload. What they don't see from their resort hotels are the hundreds of out-of-the-way, uninhabited islands sprinkled along the West Indies chain from Florida to South America. This alluring archipelago, strung with beaches accessible only by boat but spaced temptingly close together, led Mississippi adventurer Scott B. Williams to embark upon an open-ended quest to see how far south he could go in a seventeen-foot sea kayak.
游客乘飞机前往加勒比海的受欢迎岛屿。他们从度假酒店看不到的是沿着从佛罗里达州到南美的西印度群岛沿线散布的数百个无人居住的岛屿。这座诱人的群岛上布满了只能乘船前往的海滩,但诱人地相距很近,这导致密西西比州冒险家斯科特·威廉姆斯(Scott B. Williams)展开了一项不限成员名额的探险活动,以了解他在17英尺长的海上皮划艇中可以走多远。
No one was willing to accompany him. He spent months working his way down the west coast of Florida, through the Bahamas, and on to Hispaniola, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. On Island Time, his narrative of this journey of a lifetime, describes the wonders of discovery as he makes landfall on pristine cays. Relentless headwinds, dangerous surf, countless beaches declared off-limits to trespassing, and aggressive sharks that ram his kayak and snap him out of his musing remind the adventurer that this paradise is far from perfect. Every day of the journey required constant vigilance.
With no one to depend on and often no one even knowing where he was for weeks at a time, Williams learned what it means to be self-reliant and to adjust to ''island time.'' With just a simple, human-powered craft and the few belongings that would fit inside, Williams explores an almost boundless frontier and a powerful natural stretch of the Caribbean rarely if ever accessed by the island tourist.
Pages:254 / 267
页数:254 / 267
ISBN 10:1578067464
ISBN 13:9781578067466
File:    PDF1.35 MB
文件:PDF1.35 MB

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