
帆译作品 环球航海第一人:约书亚.斯罗卡姆JOSHUA SLOCUM和他的Spray号

2016-3-3 09:31 · 帆译组
来自: 上海


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环球航海第一人:约书亚.斯罗卡姆JOSHUA SLOCUM和他的Spray

In1892 at the age of 51, Joshua Slocum was given a decrepit sloop called Spray.and spent the next two years rebuilding this vessel. He removed thecentreboard and replaced nearly every piece of timber in the hull, deck andsuperstructure. He sought to improve the seawor- thiness by adding somefreeboard, so that the boat would be better suited to the deep water sailing heobviously had in mind. All the materials used in the reconstruction werecollected around Fairhaven, in Massachusetts, where Spray had lain in afield for several years. The boat’s lineage is clear when one examinesphotographs of early examples of the North Sea fishing boats that have worked offthe coasts of several countries bordering that area; and rumour has it that theSpray was over one hundred years old when she was given to JoshuaSlocum. There was a story that she had worked as an oyster dragger off the NewEngland coast. Joshua Slocum, a seaman with vast experience, must haverecognised something of the potential of his new acquisition, for otherwise hewould not have invested two years of his life in the total rebuilding of her.As it turned out, he could not have made a better choice.

189251岁时,约书亚.斯罗卡姆JOSHUA SLOCUM获得一艘老朽破旧的单桅帆船Spray(浪花)号,并且花费了2年重新改造。他移去了龙骨和差不多所有的船体木材,甲板以及上层机构。为了加强适航性他加了些杆弦,这样就如他想的可以在深水航行。所有用于建造的材料都来自于麻萨诸赛洲的Fairhaven周边,也是Spary(水花)号停放多年的地方。从照片可以看出她和经常在北海周边海岸捕鱼的船是一种类型;谣传说在约书亚.斯罗卡姆JOSHUA SLOCUM得到船时,Spray(浪花)号已经100岁。有故事说她曾作为捕虾船在新英格兰海岸使用。约书亚.斯罗卡姆JOSHUA SLOCUM作为经验丰富的渔民,一定了解到他新获得船的潜在用途,否则他不会花费2年的时间对她重新改造。结果是他做了无法更好的选择。

Slocumspent a year commercial fishing in the boat on the Atlantic coast; then, afterproving the worth of the vessel to his satisfaction, he decided to make avoyage that, even today, is not undertaken lightly.


Slocum’strip proved a resounding success. Not only did he achieve what he set out to do- that is circumnavigate the world single-handed - but he proved for all timethe many fine features of Spray; features that we have seen proven overand over again in the several hundred replicas that are now in service around theworld.

斯罗卡姆的旅程获得了令人惊讶的成功。他不但实现了他所期待的 —— 单人环球航海 —— 他也证明了Spray(浪花)号的很多优秀特点。那些依然被其他上百艘复制品在世界各地至到近日依然被证明的特点。

Buildingreplicas of Spray is certainly not new. Although we believe that in 1969ours were the first ones built of fiberglass, many copies had already beenbuilt in timber, following similar construction methods to those used to buildand rebuild the original model.


Nowis probably a good time to consider just what constitutes a Spray replica. Aswe know Slocum altered his original boat during the rebuilding; and manyreplicas, copies and/or Spray types that were built between 1902 and 1968 didvary in one way or another from Slocum’s boat as she was when he sailed heraround the world.




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环球航海第一人:约书亚.斯罗卡姆JOSHUA SLOCUM和他的Spray

In1892 at the age of 51, Joshua Slocum was given a decrepit sloop called Spray.and spent the next two years rebuilding this vessel. He removed thecentreboard and replaced nearly every piece of timber in the hull, deck andsuperstructure. He sought to improve the seawor- thiness by adding somefreeboard, so that the boat would be better suited to the deep water sailing heobviously had in mind. All the materials used in the reconstruction werecollected around Fairhaven, in Massachusetts, where Spray had lain in afield for several years. The boat’s lineage is clear when one examinesphotographs of early examples of the North Sea fishing boats that have worked offthe coasts of several countries bordering that area; and rumour has it that theSpray was over one hundred years old when she was given to JoshuaSlocum. There was a story that she had worked as an oyster dragger off the NewEngland coast. Joshua Slocum, a seaman with vast experience, must haverecognised something of the potential of his new acquisition, for otherwise hewould not have invested two years of his life in the total rebuilding of her.As it turned out, he could not have made a better choice.

189251岁时,约书亚.斯罗卡姆JOSHUA SLOCUM获得一艘老朽破旧的单桅帆船Spray(浪花)号,并且花费了2年重新改造。他移去了龙骨和差不多所有的船体木材,甲板以及上层机构。为了加强适航性他加了些杆弦,这样就如他想的可以在深水航行。所有用于建造的材料都来自于麻萨诸赛洲的Fairhaven周边,也是Spary(水花)号停放多年的地方。从照片可以看出她和经常在北海周边海岸捕鱼的船是一种类型;谣传说在约书亚.斯罗卡姆JOSHUA SLOCUM得到船时,Spray(浪花)号已经100岁。有故事说她曾作为捕虾船在新英格兰海岸使用。约书亚.斯罗卡姆JOSHUA SLOCUM作为经验丰富的渔民,一定了解到他新获得船的潜在用途,否则他不会花费2年的时间对她重新改造。结果是他做了无法更好的选择。

Slocumspent a year commercial fishing in the boat on the Atlantic coast; then, afterproving the worth of the vessel to his satisfaction, he decided to make avoyage that, even today, is not undertaken lightly.


Slocum’strip proved a resounding success. Not only did he achieve what he set out to do- that is circumnavigate the world single-handed - but he proved for all timethe many fine features of Spray; features that we have seen proven overand over again in the several hundred replicas that are now in service around theworld.

斯罗卡姆的旅程获得了令人惊讶的成功。他不但实现了他所期待的 —— 单人环球航海 —— 他也证明了Spray(浪花)号的很多优秀特点。那些依然被其他上百艘复制品在世界各地至到近日依然被证明的特点。

Buildingreplicas of Spray is certainly not new. Although we believe that in 1969ours were the first ones built of fiberglass, many copies had already beenbuilt in timber, following similar construction methods to those used to buildand rebuild the original model.


Nowis probably a good time to consider just what constitutes a Spray replica. Aswe know Slocum altered his original boat during the rebuilding; and manyreplicas, copies and/or Spray types that were built between 1902 and 1968 didvary in one way or another from Slocum’s boat as she was when he sailed heraround the world.


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