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本帖最后由 小虫宁宁 于 2021-9-9 14:51 编辑

大家好!我们之前发送过的一篇有关青年美洲杯赛事的重要文件还记得吗?没错,就是官方组委会发布的竞赛规程 (Notice of Race)! 由于新冠疫情带来的不可抗力因素,本届青年美洲杯组委会新西兰皇家帆船俱乐部 (Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron) 近日对赛事须知进行了修改。我们特意为各位船友们标出了改动的部分,快来看看吧!

1. 比赛日期及地点

2021届青年美洲杯竞赛时间已正式改为2021年2月18-23日、3月1-5日及8-12日。比赛地点统一改为新西兰奥克兰。第一阶段的资格赛 (群帆赛) 和第二阶段的淘汰赛 (对抗赛) 将于2021年2月18-23日及2021年3月1-5日举行。中国船迷朋友们请不要因比赛位置变动而灰心,本届青年美洲杯中依然不会少了中国船队的健儿们!

2. 赛船及赛船执照组委会将提供最多5艘AC9F单体水翼帆船。根据竞赛规程,青年美洲杯每一支参赛船队船员必须持有由新西兰皇家帆船俱乐部颁发的AC9F赛船执照,获得该执照需参加并通过新西兰皇家俱乐部官方制定的AC9F操作课程。该课程包括1节2小时的理论课,以及5节2小时的海上航行课。每支船队需要与新西兰皇家帆船俱乐部预约课程辅导时段,课程费用已被包括在报名缴费中。任何未完成或通过课程考核的船队及个人,需自费重新接受辅导。各位船友要认真听课哦,要拿出高考学子备战的劲头才能驾驭AC9F这艘顶级帆船!

3. 赛船训练组委会将分配给每支船队25个2小时的AC9F船上训练时段。注:AC9F赛船执照课时不包括在此项中。训练时间范围为:2020年11月1日至2021年2月7日。组委会将轮流分配训练时段。每一个训练时段收取1000元新西兰币,该费用包括一艘新西兰皇家帆船俱乐部的充气艇、训练人员及燃料。每支船队需在2020年10月1日前与新西兰皇家帆船俱乐部预约训练时段。只有千锤百炼才能一鸣惊人,为梦想努力吧!

4. 船队人员配置
5. 船员装备

YOUTH AMERICA’S CUP 2021February 17th-23rd, March 1-5th and March 8th -12th 2021


The Organising Authority (OA) will be the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron


The venue will be Auckland, New Zealand


Schedule Auckland, New Zealand

(a)  Race office open from 16th February 0900

(b)  Registration from 16th February 0900 until 17th February 1700

(c)  Crew weighing from 16th February 0900 until 17th February 1700

(d) Practice to be arranged with RNZYS, AC9F licencing to be completed before any training sessions on the AC9F.

(e)  First briefing at 17th February at 1800

(f)  First meeting with umpires is following the first briefing.

(g)  Opening Ceremony on 17th February at 1900

(h)  Racing days from 18th February-23rd February, March 1st-5th and March 8th-12th 2021

(i)  Time of the first race each day will be 1000

(j)  The latest time for an attention signal on the last day of racing will be advised in the sailing instructions

(k)  Daily press conference 60 minutes after the last race of each day.

(l)  Prize giving on 12th March at 1800

Unless excused by the OA, attendance at the following is mandatory:

(a)  Initial briefing for skippers.

(b)  Daily briefing, for skippers.

(c)  Daily press conferences, for skippers sailing that day.

(d)  Regatta dinner, for skippers.

(e)  Prize giving for the final skippers and crews.


(a) Teams must be from a yacht club affiliated to their national body. Only yacht clubs invited by the OA will be eligible to enter this event.

(b) The registered skipper shall helm the boat at all times while racing, except in an emergency.

(c) To remain eligible a yacht club shall confirm acceptance of the invitation / entry memorandum in writing (e-mail is acceptable) to be received by the date specified on the entry memorandum.

(d) A non-refundable entry bond of NZD$11,500 shall be received within 10 days of the acceptance of the invitation and terms set out in the entry memorandum for this to be valid, unless 4.6 applies.

(e) Competitors including all crew shall have World Sailing competition eligibility as required by World Sailing regulation 19.

(f) The entry bond is 100% refundable if the event or an amended event does not proceed for any reason.



(a) The team shall be entered on completion of the entry memorandum requirements and the payment of all fees and deposits. All payments shall be made by bank transfer to the nominated account in the entry memorandum.

(b) A valid AC9F sailing license shall be provided to the OA at the time of registration.

(c) Enquire with the OA on the AC9F licensing requirements.

Entry Fee

An entry fee of NZD$115,000 shall be paid by using the entry fees schedule in the Entry Memorandum.


When a team enters and later withdraws, they will forego any entry fees paid to that point and may be replaced by another entry at the discretion of the OA.

Damage deposit

(a) An initial damage deposit of NZD$25,000 shall be paid by 1 November 2020, unless extended

by the OA. This deposit is the maximum payable by the skipper as a result of any one incident.

(b) If a deduction from the damage deposit is decided by the OA, it may require that the deposit be restored to its original amount before the team will be permitted to continue in the event.

(c) Any remaining deposit after the event will be refunded within 10 days after the event.


All competitors are required to have their own extensive medical, accident, third party and personal liability insurance associated with use of a high-speed yacht racing. Proof of such insurance will be required at registration.


(a) The event will be governed by the World Sailing Racing Rules of Sailing America’s Cup Edition (as approved for the 36th America’s Cup) – subject to any changes outlined under (d)

(b) The rules for the handling of boats will apply, and will also apply to any practice sailing and sponsor races. Class rules will not apply.

(c) Any prescriptions of the national authority that will apply will be posted on the official notice board and website www.youthamericascup.com

(d) Rules may be modified in line with the event and boat requirements, any changes advised via an amendment to the NOR before 1st November 2020.


(a) The event will be sailed in AC9F type boats.

(b) Up to five boats will be provided.

(c) The following sails will be provided for each boat: Mainsail, Jib, code 0

(d) Boats will be allocated by draw, either daily or for each round as decided by the race committee.

(e) The Jib will be branded with the Club and Nation of the team entered.

(f) Licensing

As per NOR 5.1 (b) each team member will need to obtain an AC9F licence issued by the RNZYS, this is obtained through attending and passing a RNZYS AC9F licencing course. This course consists of one (1), 2-hour theory session and five (5), 2-hour on water sessions. Teams need to book their AC9F licencing course with the RNZYS. The costs of this course is included in the entry fee. Any team or individual that fails the course will need to re sit the course at their own cost.

(g) Training

    The AC9F will be available for teams to train on. Training is limited to up to 25 allocated two hour sessions per team. The AC9F licencing sessions are not included in this allocation.

    Training can take place between 1st November 2020 and the 7th February 2021. The OA will allocate training slots on a rotational basis.

    The cost of training in the AC9F is 1000NZD per 2 hour session, this includes use ofan RNZYS Rib, personnel and fuel.

    Teams need to book their training sessions with the RNZYS before 1st October 2020


(a) The number of crew (including the skipper) shall be four. All registered crew shall sail all races.

(b) The crew shall consist of two male and two female members. Proof of membership will be required at registration.

(c) All crew members shall be members of the Yacht Club they are representing.

(d) Not less than 3 of the 4 crew members on board the yacht at any one time must hold the passport of that clubs nation that they are representing.

(e) All crew members must be over the age of 18 on the 1st of November 2020 and under the age of 25 years on the 12th March 2021.

Crew Weighing

(a) The total weight of the crew, including the skipper, dressed in at least shorts and shirts, shall be between 280 and 311 kg, determined at the time of registration or such time as required by the RC.

(b) Crew weight may be checked during the regatta. At any re-weighing the weight range is changed to 270 to 321kg. Any crew weighing that does not meet this increased weight range shall not be penalised, but they shall met the increased weight ranges before racing again.

(c) When a registered skipper is unable to continue in the event the IJ may authorise an original crew member to substitute.

(d) When a registered crew member is unable to continue in the event the IJ may authorise a substitute, a temporary substitute or other adjustment.

(e)  All sailors must supply their own safety gear, this must consist of appropriate sailing gear for high speed foiling yachts including a wetsuit of other appropriate impact clothing, footwear, helmets, blunt nose safety knife and lifejacket. This safety gear must be worn at all times while sailing on the AC9F.


(a) Teams will race a fleet racing Youth AC seeding event in Auckland 18th-23th February 2021. The overall placings from this event will be used to seed teams into the knockout series in Auckland 2021.

(b) The event will consist of the following stages:

Stage 1 – (18th-23th February 2021)

A fleet racing seeding event

Top 20 teams will continue to stage 2

Stage 2 – (March 1st-5th – Auckland, NZ)

A repecage knock out series, first to score three points. Match racing format

Stage 3 - The top 10 teams will qualify for Stage 3 to be sailed 8th-12th March 2021 a round robin match racing format

Stage 4 - Semi Finals – Match racing format

Stage 5 – Finals – Match racing format

(c) The RC may change the format, terminate any stage or the event when, in its opinion, it is impractical to attempt to hold the remainder of matches under the existing conditions or in the remaining time scheduled. Early stages may be terminated in favour of later stages.


(a) The course will be windward/leeward with optional offset legs in the event of cross course current, resulting in either port or starboard roundings.

(b) The intended course areas will be at the Auckland Harbour.


(a) As boats and equipment will be supplied by the Organising Authority, Each boat will be required to display advertising as supplied by the OA.

(b) Teams will have allocated space to display team advertising on the jibs of the AC9F; all advertising displayed on the allocated space must be requested in writing and approved by the OA. This advertising cannot conflict with the event sponsors and must be approved by the OA.

(c) Competitors may be permitted to display advertising ashore at the venue, but this is subject to individual negotiation with the OA.

(d) Boats shall not be permitted the right to protest for breaches of any rules regarding advertising (amends RRS 60.1).


(a) The principal prize for first place will be the Youth America’s Cup

(b) Further prizes will be notified by the OA before the start of the final race.

(c) The OA may reduce a prize in the case of misconduct or refusal to comply with any reasonable request, including attendance at official functions.


(a) If required by the OA:

1. Television personnel and equipment (or dummies) supplied by the OA shall be carried on board while racing.

2. Competitors shall wear microphones supplied by the OA during racing and be available for interviews when advised by the OA or RC.

3. Registered skippers shall wear communications equipment supplied by the OA that will allow commentators to communicate with them whilst racing.

4. Competitors shall not interfere with the normal working of the OA supplied media equipment.

(b) The OA have the right to use any images and sound recorded during the event free of any charge.


(a) Coach boats shall conspicuously display identification of the team being coached.

(b) There is a maximum of one coach boat per team

(c) The OA will provide berths for coach boats.

(d) Any interference by a coach boat with the racing or event organisation may result in a penalty applied at the discretion of the IJ/PC to the associated skipper or team


(a) Each team is requested to provide a national flag approximately 915mm by 458mm for display from the stern of the boat and 1830mm x 915mm flagpoles.

(b) Each team is requested to provide their national anthem in an electronic file format.


All those taking any part in the event do so at their own risk. The OA, its associates and appointees accept no responsibility for any loss, damage, injury or inconvenience incurred, howsoever caused.


Entries will be accepted from Yacht Clubs that are affiliated to their national body and in line with the requirements of the entry memorandum. Yacht Clubs of all nations are invited. If you wish to register your entry, please complete Expression of Interest / entry details outlined in the Entry Memorandum.

以上内容希望能帮到大家,同时也提醒一下,青年美洲杯现在仍在接受报名哦!报名截止日期为2020年9月30日,报名请联系:电子邮箱:challenger@youthamericascup.com抄送: hporter@rnzys.org.nz赛事若有任何变动我们会第一时间发布,敬请关注!


您需要 登录 才可以下载或查看,没有账号?立即注册

本帖最后由 小虫宁宁 于 2021-9-9 14:51 编辑

大家好!我们之前发送过的一篇有关青年美洲杯赛事的重要文件还记得吗?没错,就是官方组委会发布的竞赛规程 (Notice of Race)! 由于新冠疫情带来的不可抗力因素,本届青年美洲杯组委会新西兰皇家帆船俱乐部 (Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron) 近日对赛事须知进行了修改。我们特意为各位船友们标出了改动的部分,快来看看吧!

1. 比赛日期及地点

2021届青年美洲杯竞赛时间已正式改为2021年2月18-23日、3月1-5日及8-12日。比赛地点统一改为新西兰奥克兰。第一阶段的资格赛 (群帆赛) 和第二阶段的淘汰赛 (对抗赛) 将于2021年2月18-23日及2021年3月1-5日举行。中国船迷朋友们请不要因比赛位置变动而灰心,本届青年美洲杯中依然不会少了中国船队的健儿们!

2. 赛船及赛船执照组委会将提供最多5艘AC9F单体水翼帆船。根据竞赛规程,青年美洲杯每一支参赛船队船员必须持有由新西兰皇家帆船俱乐部颁发的AC9F赛船执照,获得该执照需参加并通过新西兰皇家俱乐部官方制定的AC9F操作课程。该课程包括1节2小时的理论课,以及5节2小时的海上航行课。每支船队需要与新西兰皇家帆船俱乐部预约课程辅导时段,课程费用已被包括在报名缴费中。任何未完成或通过课程考核的船队及个人,需自费重新接受辅导。各位船友要认真听课哦,要拿出高考学子备战的劲头才能驾驭AC9F这艘顶级帆船!

3. 赛船训练组委会将分配给每支船队25个2小时的AC9F船上训练时段。注:AC9F赛船执照课时不包括在此项中。训练时间范围为:2020年11月1日至2021年2月7日。组委会将轮流分配训练时段。每一个训练时段收取1000元新西兰币,该费用包括一艘新西兰皇家帆船俱乐部的充气艇、训练人员及燃料。每支船队需在2020年10月1日前与新西兰皇家帆船俱乐部预约训练时段。只有千锤百炼才能一鸣惊人,为梦想努力吧!

4. 船队人员配置
5. 船员装备

YOUTH AMERICA’S CUP 2021February 17th-23rd, March 1-5th and March 8th -12th 2021


The Organising Authority (OA) will be the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron


The venue will be Auckland, New Zealand


Schedule Auckland, New Zealand

(a)  Race office open from 16th February 0900

(b)  Registration from 16th February 0900 until 17th February 1700

(c)  Crew weighing from 16th February 0900 until 17th February 1700

(d) Practice to be arranged with RNZYS, AC9F licencing to be completed before any training sessions on the AC9F.

(e)  First briefing at 17th February at 1800

(f)  First meeting with umpires is following the first briefing.

(g)  Opening Ceremony on 17th February at 1900

(h)  Racing days from 18th February-23rd February, March 1st-5th and March 8th-12th 2021

(i)  Time of the first race each day will be 1000

(j)  The latest time for an attention signal on the last day of racing will be advised in the sailing instructions

(k)  Daily press conference 60 minutes after the last race of each day.

(l)  Prize giving on 12th March at 1800

Unless excused by the OA, attendance at the following is mandatory:

(a)  Initial briefing for skippers.

(b)  Daily briefing, for skippers.

(c)  Daily press conferences, for skippers sailing that day.

(d)  Regatta dinner, for skippers.

(e)  Prize giving for the final skippers and crews.


(a) Teams must be from a yacht club affiliated to their national body. Only yacht clubs invited by the OA will be eligible to enter this event.

(b) The registered skipper shall helm the boat at all times while racing, except in an emergency.

(c) To remain eligible a yacht club shall confirm acceptance of the invitation / entry memorandum in writing (e-mail is acceptable) to be received by the date specified on the entry memorandum.

(d) A non-refundable entry bond of NZD$11,500 shall be received within 10 days of the acceptance of the invitation and terms set out in the entry memorandum for this to be valid, unless 4.6 applies.

(e) Competitors including all crew shall have World Sailing competition eligibility as required by World Sailing regulation 19.

(f) The entry bond is 100% refundable if the event or an amended event does not proceed for any reason.



(a) The team shall be entered on completion of the entry memorandum requirements and the payment of all fees and deposits. All payments shall be made by bank transfer to the nominated account in the entry memorandum.

(b) A valid AC9F sailing license shall be provided to the OA at the time of registration.

(c) Enquire with the OA on the AC9F licensing requirements.

Entry Fee

An entry fee of NZD$115,000 shall be paid by using the entry fees schedule in the Entry Memorandum.


When a team enters and later withdraws, they will forego any entry fees paid to that point and may be replaced by another entry at the discretion of the OA.

Damage deposit

(a) An initial damage deposit of NZD$25,000 shall be paid by 1 November 2020, unless extended

by the OA. This deposit is the maximum payable by the skipper as a result of any one incident.

(b) If a deduction from the damage deposit is decided by the OA, it may require that the deposit be restored to its original amount before the team will be permitted to continue in the event.

(c) Any remaining deposit after the event will be refunded within 10 days after the event.


All competitors are required to have their own extensive medical, accident, third party and personal liability insurance associated with use of a high-speed yacht racing. Proof of such insurance will be required at registration.


(a) The event will be governed by the World Sailing Racing Rules of Sailing America’s Cup Edition (as approved for the 36th America’s Cup) – subject to any changes outlined under (d)

(b) The rules for the handling of boats will apply, and will also apply to any practice sailing and sponsor races. Class rules will not apply.

(c) Any prescriptions of the national authority that will apply will be posted on the official notice board and website www.youthamericascup.com

(d) Rules may be modified in line with the event and boat requirements, any changes advised via an amendment to the NOR before 1st November 2020.


(a) The event will be sailed in AC9F type boats.

(b) Up to five boats will be provided.

(c) The following sails will be provided for each boat: Mainsail, Jib, code 0

(d) Boats will be allocated by draw, either daily or for each round as decided by the race committee.

(e) The Jib will be branded with the Club and Nation of the team entered.

(f) Licensing

As per NOR 5.1 (b) each team member will need to obtain an AC9F licence issued by the RNZYS, this is obtained through attending and passing a RNZYS AC9F licencing course. This course consists of one (1), 2-hour theory session and five (5), 2-hour on water sessions. Teams need to book their AC9F licencing course with the RNZYS. The costs of this course is included in the entry fee. Any team or individual that fails the course will need to re sit the course at their own cost.

(g) Training

    The AC9F will be available for teams to train on. Training is limited to up to 25 allocated two hour sessions per team. The AC9F licencing sessions are not included in this allocation.

    Training can take place between 1st November 2020 and the 7th February 2021. The OA will allocate training slots on a rotational basis.

    The cost of training in the AC9F is 1000NZD per 2 hour session, this includes use ofan RNZYS Rib, personnel and fuel.

    Teams need to book their training sessions with the RNZYS before 1st October 2020


(a) The number of crew (including the skipper) shall be four. All registered crew shall sail all races.

(b) The crew shall consist of two male and two female members. Proof of membership will be required at registration.

(c) All crew members shall be members of the Yacht Club they are representing.

(d) Not less than 3 of the 4 crew members on board the yacht at any one time must hold the passport of that clubs nation that they are representing.

(e) All crew members must be over the age of 18 on the 1st of November 2020 and under the age of 25 years on the 12th March 2021.

Crew Weighing

(a) The total weight of the crew, including the skipper, dressed in at least shorts and shirts, shall be between 280 and 311 kg, determined at the time of registration or such time as required by the RC.

(b) Crew weight may be checked during the regatta. At any re-weighing the weight range is changed to 270 to 321kg. Any crew weighing that does not meet this increased weight range shall not be penalised, but they shall met the increased weight ranges before racing again.

(c) When a registered skipper is unable to continue in the event the IJ may authorise an original crew member to substitute.

(d) When a registered crew member is unable to continue in the event the IJ may authorise a substitute, a temporary substitute or other adjustment.

(e)  All sailors must supply their own safety gear, this must consist of appropriate sailing gear for high speed foiling yachts including a wetsuit of other appropriate impact clothing, footwear, helmets, blunt nose safety knife and lifejacket. This safety gear must be worn at all times while sailing on the AC9F.


(a) Teams will race a fleet racing Youth AC seeding event in Auckland 18th-23th February 2021. The overall placings from this event will be used to seed teams into the knockout series in Auckland 2021.

(b) The event will consist of the following stages:

Stage 1 – (18th-23th February 2021)

A fleet racing seeding event

Top 20 teams will continue to stage 2

Stage 2 – (March 1st-5th – Auckland, NZ)

A repecage knock out series, first to score three points. Match racing format

Stage 3 - The top 10 teams will qualify for Stage 3 to be sailed 8th-12th March 2021 a round robin match racing format

Stage 4 - Semi Finals – Match racing format

Stage 5 – Finals – Match racing format

(c) The RC may change the format, terminate any stage or the event when, in its opinion, it is impractical to attempt to hold the remainder of matches under the existing conditions or in the remaining time scheduled. Early stages may be terminated in favour of later stages.


(a) The course will be windward/leeward with optional offset legs in the event of cross course current, resulting in either port or starboard roundings.

(b) The intended course areas will be at the Auckland Harbour.


(a) As boats and equipment will be supplied by the Organising Authority, Each boat will be required to display advertising as supplied by the OA.

(b) Teams will have allocated space to display team advertising on the jibs of the AC9F; all advertising displayed on the allocated space must be requested in writing and approved by the OA. This advertising cannot conflict with the event sponsors and must be approved by the OA.

(c) Competitors may be permitted to display advertising ashore at the venue, but this is subject to individual negotiation with the OA.

(d) Boats shall not be permitted the right to protest for breaches of any rules regarding advertising (amends RRS 60.1).


(a) The principal prize for first place will be the Youth America’s Cup

(b) Further prizes will be notified by the OA before the start of the final race.

(c) The OA may reduce a prize in the case of misconduct or refusal to comply with any reasonable request, including attendance at official functions.


(a) If required by the OA:

1. Television personnel and equipment (or dummies) supplied by the OA shall be carried on board while racing.

2. Competitors shall wear microphones supplied by the OA during racing and be available for interviews when advised by the OA or RC.

3. Registered skippers shall wear communications equipment supplied by the OA that will allow commentators to communicate with them whilst racing.

4. Competitors shall not interfere with the normal working of the OA supplied media equipment.

(b) The OA have the right to use any images and sound recorded during the event free of any charge.


(a) Coach boats shall conspicuously display identification of the team being coached.

(b) There is a maximum of one coach boat per team

(c) The OA will provide berths for coach boats.

(d) Any interference by a coach boat with the racing or event organisation may result in a penalty applied at the discretion of the IJ/PC to the associated skipper or team


(a) Each team is requested to provide a national flag approximately 915mm by 458mm for display from the stern of the boat and 1830mm x 915mm flagpoles.

(b) Each team is requested to provide their national anthem in an electronic file format.


All those taking any part in the event do so at their own risk. The OA, its associates and appointees accept no responsibility for any loss, damage, injury or inconvenience incurred, howsoever caused.


Entries will be accepted from Yacht Clubs that are affiliated to their national body and in line with the requirements of the entry memorandum. Yacht Clubs of all nations are invited. If you wish to register your entry, please complete Expression of Interest / entry details outlined in the Entry Memorandum.

以上内容希望能帮到大家,同时也提醒一下,青年美洲杯现在仍在接受报名哦!报名截止日期为2020年9月30日,报名请联系:电子邮箱:challenger@youthamericascup.com抄送: hporter@rnzys.org.nz赛事若有任何变动我们会第一时间发布,敬请关注!

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