
赛事报道 海帆赛 勇敢爱|赛的激烈,玩的开心的游牧虎帆船队

来自: 海南三亚


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三亚游牧虎帆船队由三亚游牧虎度假服务有限公司赞助(www.yomovo.com)于2011年春成立。 自成立起坚持每周举办帆船体验日,发展了大批发烧友。
在英国马丁船长(Martin Clark)、荷兰马丁船长(Martin Hingst)和中国赵丙庆船长的带领下参加了环海南岛国际大帆船赛、西沙司南杯、厦门俱乐部杯、深圳中国杯、青岛城市俱乐部杯(CCOR)、市长杯、鲁商杯、航空杯、大连渤海杯、无锡太湖杯、舟山大帆船赛、柳州内河赛、昆明抚仙湖赛、宁波东钱湖邀请赛、新疆博斯腾湖邀请赛、泸沽湖帆船赛、邛海帆船赛、普吉岛泰王杯等国内外比赛,赛得激烈,玩得开心!
这将是游牧虎第四次参加海帆赛。在第六届海帆赛上,游牧虎队的拼搏精神得到了组委会和帆友们的一致肯定。这次我们有资深帆友加入,又和Ten的生产厂家大连长美一起对船的通导、防水做了许多改进,将更专业地参加比赛,以船会友,在海帆赛上向各方帆友学习! Sanya Yomovo Sailing Team is sponsored by Sanya Yomovo Vacation Services, Inc.The team has ever participated in many domestic and international races, including Round Hainan Regatta, CCOR, Xiamen Club Cup, China Cup and King’s Cup. Led by skippers Martin Clark, Martin Hingst and Zhao Bingqing, the team has done well in the various regattas and has had tons of fun! This will be the fourth time Yomovo joins the Round Hainan Regatta.
New crew members will join the team this year to have fun and Yomovo is looking forward to an even more rewarding sailing and racing experience in Hainan Regatta 2018!



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三亚游牧虎帆船队由三亚游牧虎度假服务有限公司赞助(www.yomovo.com)于2011年春成立。 自成立起坚持每周举办帆船体验日,发展了大批发烧友。
在英国马丁船长(Martin Clark)、荷兰马丁船长(Martin Hingst)和中国赵丙庆船长的带领下参加了环海南岛国际大帆船赛、西沙司南杯、厦门俱乐部杯、深圳中国杯、青岛城市俱乐部杯(CCOR)、市长杯、鲁商杯、航空杯、大连渤海杯、无锡太湖杯、舟山大帆船赛、柳州内河赛、昆明抚仙湖赛、宁波东钱湖邀请赛、新疆博斯腾湖邀请赛、泸沽湖帆船赛、邛海帆船赛、普吉岛泰王杯等国内外比赛,赛得激烈,玩得开心!
这将是游牧虎第四次参加海帆赛。在第六届海帆赛上,游牧虎队的拼搏精神得到了组委会和帆友们的一致肯定。这次我们有资深帆友加入,又和Ten的生产厂家大连长美一起对船的通导、防水做了许多改进,将更专业地参加比赛,以船会友,在海帆赛上向各方帆友学习! Sanya Yomovo Sailing Team is sponsored by Sanya Yomovo Vacation Services, Inc.The team has ever participated in many domestic and international races, including Round Hainan Regatta, CCOR, Xiamen Club Cup, China Cup and King’s Cup. Led by skippers Martin Clark, Martin Hingst and Zhao Bingqing, the team has done well in the various regattas and has had tons of fun! This will be the fourth time Yomovo joins the Round Hainan Regatta.
New crew members will join the team this year to have fun and Yomovo is looking forward to an even more rewarding sailing and racing experience in Hainan Regatta 2018!

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