
赛事报道 2017中国•柳州第七届国际内河帆船赛 竞赛通知

来自: 山东青岛


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承办单位: 柳州市体育局
1.1 本赛事执行最新帆船竞赛规则(RRS)中所定义的规则。
1.2 国家/地区管理机构的规定不适用本次比赛。
1.3 本届赛事竞赛通知和竞赛细则及其之后的更改。
1.4 因规则语言版本引起的争议,则以英文版本内容为主。
2.广告组委会将按照国际帆联(ISAF)章程 20 条的规定在参赛船船体及帆面上张贴由组委会选定和提供的广告。参赛队不得在赛船上展示其它广告内容,除非事先得到组委会书面确认。
3.1 比赛对本地和国际水手(船队)开放,参赛者可以是国家队,城市队,俱乐部或船东,并以俱乐部或帆船队为单位报名参赛。
3.2 报名参加比赛的赛队每队可报领队和队员共计最多6名。
3.3 报名时间为:即日起至2017年9月25日,赛会接收报名赛队数量为28支。(欢迎赛队自带同级别帆船参赛)。2016年比赛中进入金组的赛队优先获得今年参赛资格。
3.4 比赛时每条船任何时刻必须保持不少于3名但不超过5名船员。上船参赛人员总重不得超过360Kg。各队在报名时需要如实提供各船员体重,赛前组委会也将为各个赛队队员称重。
3.5 各参赛队请于2017年9月25日之前将报名表、船长照片及介绍、船队成员合影及500字左右的赛队文字介绍发邮件到:18078499539@163.com
3.6 各参赛队以完成报名费支付和收到赛事组委会的确认邮件或传真后,才能确认已完成报名参赛。
3.7 所有参加本次比赛的运动员将自动同意主办机构及其赞助商根据需要在赛事期间及之后制作、使用和展示平面及各类多媒体制品(包括直播、录播和电视电影等)时无偿使用其姓名、肖像和其他资料。
5.1 每个参赛队交报名费5000 元人民币(包括船只使用费、船餐等)。经过组委会确认获得参赛资格的队伍,最迟需于2017年9月25日前将报名费汇入组委会指定账户(如果不能按时交纳报名费的赛队将会自动失去参赛资格);若参赛队在9月30日(含)前因故退出,则报名费将被退还;若参赛队在9月30日之后提出退赛,则赛事组委会将不会退还赛队报名费。
5.2 各队报到时需缴纳器材使用押金4000元(必须人民币现金或等额外币现金支付)。
5.4 参赛器材为组委会统一提供的J80,赛队可在10月16日起领取比赛器材。如需提前抵达并租赁船只训练,可联系组委会在10月16日前安排相应的赛前训练,J80使用租金是1000元/天。
6. 预赛和决赛
6.2 通过预赛决出每组的名次,其中A、B组前7名进入金组,剩余队伍进入银组。
7.1 比赛日程如下:
2017 年10月16日9点-15点之间,各队在指定地点报到(报名成功后,参见组委会发出的补充内容)。
7.1.2. 参加器材抽签,到码头领用并签收各自的赛船。   
2017-10-16 星期一
2017-10-17 星期二
2017-10-18 星期三
2017-10-19 星期四
08:30-16:00 银组决赛(航线赛)金组决赛(航线赛+长距离赛)
2017-10-20 星期五08:30-17:00赛队离开
7.2  10月19日15点00分以后不再发出比赛预告信号。
10.场地比赛区域是广西省柳州市内约50公里的柳江水域。附录 A 是比赛水域的示意图。
12.1 规则 44.1 更改为将转动两圈惩罚变成一圈。
12.2 仲裁委员会的裁决为最终裁决。  
13.1 采用帆船竞赛规则附录A之低分计分法。
13.2 预赛的成绩不带入决赛。
13.3 预赛至少完成1轮成绩才能有效,如果比赛少于5轮,则各赛队成绩就是其所有完成的竞赛轮成绩的总和。 如果完成5轮或5轮以上则去掉一轮最差分数。
13.4 决赛至少完成1轮成绩方为有效,如果比赛少于5轮,则各赛队成绩就是其所有完成的竞赛轮成绩的总和。如果完成5轮或5轮以上则去掉一轮最差分数(长距离赛成绩除外)。
19.奖励金组决赛总分前 3 名颁发奖杯、奖金和成绩证书,其余则颁发参赛证书和奖金。
冠军奖金      RMB30000元
亚军奖金      RMB20000元
季军奖金      RMB10000元第四名至第六名各参赛队将依次获得8000元、6000元、4000元参赛奖金
21.免责声明参赛选手须自己承担参赛的风险和责任。见规则RRS4-决定参赛。组委会不对赛事期间可能发生的任何人员伤亡,器材损坏和丢失负责。 22.保险每个参赛队员必须自行购买并持有保额至少50万元的人身意外险方能参赛,保险必须在赛事期间及赛事区域有效,请在报名时提交各赛队的保险证明的原件或复印件给组委会验证,未能提供者组委会安排保险柜员现场办理。
帐号:5530 1010 0100 503859   
报名咨询:联系人:张羽 电话:18078499539   邮件:18078499539@163.com (报名资料请发此邮箱)
接待咨询:联系人:张羽 电话:18078499539   邮件:18078499539@163.com (报名资料请发此邮箱)
组委会电话:+86-772-8806666    组委会传真:+86-772-8805555

Organizer:Chinese Yachting Association
Eventmanagement: Sports Bureau of LiuzhouCo-organizeriuzhou Riviera Yacht Club 1. RULES1.1 The regatta will be governed by the latest rules defined in International Sailing Competition Rules (RRS).1.2 No national authority prescriptions will apply.1.3 This Notice of Race may be amended by 2017 Liuzhou China River Regatta Sailing Instructions.1.4 When there is a conflict or change between Chinese and English version of the regatta, English version shall prevail. 2. ADVERTISINGBoats shall be required to display advertising chosen and supplied by the organizing committee in accordance with ISAF Regulation 20. Teams should not show other advertising content on the boat, except with the prior written confirmation of the organizing committee.                                                 3. ELIGIBILITY &ENTRY3.1 The regatta is open to entries from local and international sailors (andcrew) that may be representing a country /a city /a club (or simply an individual boat owner).3.2 The maximum number of skipper and crew members in each team is 6.3.3 Entry time: from now on till September 25th, 2017. The maximum number of teams accepted by the Organizing Committee is 28 (Teams are welcome to bring their boats of the same class). Teams that were in the Gold Group in 2016 Liuzhou China River Regatta will be given the priority to eligibility.3.4 The crew members on a boat shall not fewer than 3 but not more than 5 at any moment in the race. The total weight of all crew members on a boat shall not exceed 360Kg. Each team will be weighed at the time of registration (please bring the entire team). Any crew substitutions need to make sure that weight is checked by the organizing committee prior to the race.3.5 Entry Form together with the photos with all crew members and the skipper, introduction to the team (About 500 words in both Englishand Chinese) shall be sent to 18078499539@163.com no later than November 25th, 2017.3.6 Only when each team completes the payment of the entry fee and receives the confirmation e-mail or fax from the organizing committee, will the entry be confirmed.3.7 By participating in the regatta, a competitor automatically grants the organizing committee and its sponsors the right to use and display his\her names, portraits and other materials in any graphic and multimedia productions (live and taped television programs and movies etc.) during and after the period of the regatta without compensation. 4. EVENTSThe regatta will use Short Course and Distance Race models and International J/80 Class. The organizing committee reserves the rights to add more teams ormore classes.
Please refer to web of J80's introduction:http://www.jboats.com/j80/j80dimensions.htm   5. FEES5.1 Entry fee for each team is RMB 5,000 ( including the fee of boats and lunch during the regatta, etc.). The teams shall remit entry fee to the nominated bank account before 25th September 2017. Teams that bow out before 30th September, the entry fee will be refunded. The organizing committee will not refund the entry fee after that time limit.5.2 Each team shall pay for refundable damage deposit RMB 4,000 (Or equal foreign currency).5.3 Accommodations will be provided by the organizing committee and sponsors during the regatta. All teams shall wear the clothes provided by the organizing committee in the opening and closing ceremonies.5.4 All teams will receive J80 boats provided by the organizing committee on 16th October. Any teams in need of boats before 16th October shall contact the organizing committee. The rent of each J80 boat is RMB 1,000 per day. 6. QUALIFYING & FINALS6.1 The organizing committee randomly divides 28 teams into group A and B. The teams draw will be held in skippers meeting. No teams can protest the grouping.6.2 After the qualifying races, the top 7 teams of group A and B will go to Gold group and the other teams will be in Silver group. 6.3 There will be 5 rounds of course race in qualifying race.6.4 There will be 5 rounds of races (including course race and distance race) in the final of Gold group.6.5 There will be 3 rounds of course race in the the final of Silver group. 7. SCHEDULE7.1 Schedule of the regattaRegistration starts at 9 AM to 15 PM on 16th October 2017 (See the supplementary contents issued by the organizing committee after the registration).Registration process includes:7.1.1 Paying refundable damage deposit RMB 4, Boat drawing and boat checking. TimeActivityMonday16th October 201709:00-15:00Check In and Registration12:00-16:00PracticeTime16:30-17:15Media Briefing17:20-18:00Skippers MeetingTuesday17th October 201709:00-17:00A and B Qualifying Races Wednesday18th October 201709:00-17:00A and B Qualifying Races Thursday19th October 201708:30-16:00Gold & Silver  Group Finals Friday 20th October 201708:30-17:00Leaving 7.2 Warning signal will not be made after 15:00 PM on 19th October.
8. MEASUREMENT Equipment of One-design Class provided by the organizing committee shall not be replaced or changed. Any substitution of the damaged equipment shall be implemented after the submission of a written application to the race committee and obtaining the approval ofthe measuring committee. Decisions of the Jury on equipment substitutions are final. 9. SAILING INSTRUCTIONS Sailing Instructions will be available at registration. 10. VENUE Racing area will be located in the water area o fLiujiang river. Appendix A shows the location of the racing area. 11. COURSE Details of the course race will be provided in the sailing instructions. 12. PENALTY SYSTEM 12.1 Rule 44.1 is changed so that theTwo-Turns Penalty is replaced by the One-Turn Penalty.12.2 The decisions of the Jury will befinal. 13. SCORING 13.1 The Low Point System of RRS Appendix A will apply.13.2 Qualifying results will not be carried into the final.13.3 One race is required to be completed to constitute a series in the qualifying race. When fewer than 5 races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores. When 5 or more races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores excluding her worst score.13.4 One race is required to be completed to constitute a series in the finals. When fewer than 5 races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores. When 5 or more races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores excluding her worst score (the score of distance race excepted). 14. SUPPORT BOATSAll support boats shall stay outside areas where boats are racing from the time of the preparatory signal for the first class to start until all boats have finished or retired. 15. BERTHING Boats shall be kept in the places assigned by the organizing committee. 16. LIFTING RESTRICTIONBoats many not be lifted out of the water without the approval of the organizing committee during the regatta. 17. DIVING DEVICES & FLOTATION DEVICEFrom the first warning signal till the end of the regatta, it is not allowed to use Scuba, plastic flotation device or anything similar around the boat. 18. RADIO COMMUNICATION 18.1 All boats shall bring their own marine band VHF radios. The organizing committee will monitor channel 72 and alternative channel 77during the race. Except in an emergency, a boat shall not make radio transmissions while racing. This restriction also applies to mobile telephones.18.2 VHF radios are available at the organizing committee. The rent of a VHF radiois RMB 500 and the refundable deposit RMB 1,000. 19. PRIZESMedals, prizes and certificates will be awarded to the top 3 teams in Gold Group. Prizes and certificates will be awarded to the others.Qualifying Race:The1st to the 3rd places of group A & B: RMB 2000, RMB 1500, RMB 1000.Sliver Group Final:The1st to the 3rd place: RMB 2000, RMB 1500, RMB 1000.Gold Group Final:First Place:                         RMB30000Second Place:                    RMB20000Third Place:                        RMB10000The 4th to the 6th place:    RMB 8000, RMB 6000, RMB4000. 20. SAFETYWhen flag Y is displayed on the boat of the race committee before the race, all competitors must wear life jackets, otherwise the team shall be disqualified. Wet or dry sailingclothing shall not be regarded as life-saving appliance. 21. DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITYCompetitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk. See rule RRS4, Decision of Race. The organizing committee will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction within the period of the regatta. 22. INSURANCEEach crew onboard shall be insured with valid personal accident insurance with a minimum cover of RMB 500,000 effective during the regatta and in the racing area. Each team shall submit the copies of crew insurance certificates to the race committee upon registration. 23. UNSETTLED AFFAIRSThe organizing committee will inform of the unsettled affairs by email. 24. INFORMATIONBank Account Information:Account Name: Liuzhou Riviera Yacht ClubOpening Bank: Industrial Bank Co.,Ltd, Liuzhou BranchAccount: 5530 1010 0100 5038 59 Counsel of Race:Zhang YuTel:  +86-18078499539 E-mail: 18078499539@163.com ( please send your registration form to this        e mail address) Tel of the Organizing Committee:  +86-772-8806666 Fax of the Organizing Committee:  +86-772-8805555
Appendix A  

2017中国柳州国际内河帆船赛报名表 Entry Form Club/Team name俱乐部/帆船队名称:          Team contact赛队联络人:Name姓名:            Nationality国 籍:Email:         Mobile 移动电话:  Skipper船长:          Mobile手机号码: E-mail:                     传    真: Team Member赛队成员信息:序号Name姓名Sex性别证件号/passport/ID 联系电话Nation国籍Position on boat 船上职务Weight 体重Cloth size服装尺码

声明                (俱乐部法人或授权人)已明白无误的了解:1、本帆船赛的赛事规则及相关组织方案,同意组委会和赞助商为赛事的推广,将本俱乐部及参赛人员的相关信息及报名资料公开发布。2、帆船比赛会出现危险,同时明白竞赛委员会对本船的队员或其它第三方所遭受的伤亡、或对船只所遭受的损失或损坏均不负任何责任。3、已阅读并理解《帆船竞赛通知》中的内容。比赛开始前,本人将确保所有船员理解在本参赛声明中所作出的承诺以及购买合适个人保险的重要性。4、已阅读并理解相关的《赛事公告》,并同意遵守所有比赛规则内的各项规定,使用由竞赛委员会提供的船帆或经竞赛委员会批准使用的船帆,不对所使用的帆船做任何更改(如船帆、桅杆、压舱物、装配等),保证参赛船只可按要求随时接受检查;遵守赛事组委会的安排和规定。                                                   签名:______日期: ______               


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承办单位: 柳州市体育局
1.1 本赛事执行最新帆船竞赛规则(RRS)中所定义的规则。
1.2 国家/地区管理机构的规定不适用本次比赛。
1.3 本届赛事竞赛通知和竞赛细则及其之后的更改。
1.4 因规则语言版本引起的争议,则以英文版本内容为主。
2.广告组委会将按照国际帆联(ISAF)章程 20 条的规定在参赛船船体及帆面上张贴由组委会选定和提供的广告。参赛队不得在赛船上展示其它广告内容,除非事先得到组委会书面确认。
3.1 比赛对本地和国际水手(船队)开放,参赛者可以是国家队,城市队,俱乐部或船东,并以俱乐部或帆船队为单位报名参赛。
3.2 报名参加比赛的赛队每队可报领队和队员共计最多6名。
3.3 报名时间为:即日起至2017年9月25日,赛会接收报名赛队数量为28支。(欢迎赛队自带同级别帆船参赛)。2016年比赛中进入金组的赛队优先获得今年参赛资格。
3.4 比赛时每条船任何时刻必须保持不少于3名但不超过5名船员。上船参赛人员总重不得超过360Kg。各队在报名时需要如实提供各船员体重,赛前组委会也将为各个赛队队员称重。
3.5 各参赛队请于2017年9月25日之前将报名表、船长照片及介绍、船队成员合影及500字左右的赛队文字介绍发邮件到:18078499539@163.com
3.6 各参赛队以完成报名费支付和收到赛事组委会的确认邮件或传真后,才能确认已完成报名参赛。
3.7 所有参加本次比赛的运动员将自动同意主办机构及其赞助商根据需要在赛事期间及之后制作、使用和展示平面及各类多媒体制品(包括直播、录播和电视电影等)时无偿使用其姓名、肖像和其他资料。
5.1 每个参赛队交报名费5000 元人民币(包括船只使用费、船餐等)。经过组委会确认获得参赛资格的队伍,最迟需于2017年9月25日前将报名费汇入组委会指定账户(如果不能按时交纳报名费的赛队将会自动失去参赛资格);若参赛队在9月30日(含)前因故退出,则报名费将被退还;若参赛队在9月30日之后提出退赛,则赛事组委会将不会退还赛队报名费。
5.2 各队报到时需缴纳器材使用押金4000元(必须人民币现金或等额外币现金支付)。
5.4 参赛器材为组委会统一提供的J80,赛队可在10月16日起领取比赛器材。如需提前抵达并租赁船只训练,可联系组委会在10月16日前安排相应的赛前训练,J80使用租金是1000元/天。
6. 预赛和决赛
6.2 通过预赛决出每组的名次,其中A、B组前7名进入金组,剩余队伍进入银组。
7.1 比赛日程如下:
2017 年10月16日9点-15点之间,各队在指定地点报到(报名成功后,参见组委会发出的补充内容)。
7.1.2. 参加器材抽签,到码头领用并签收各自的赛船。   
2017-10-16 星期一
2017-10-17 星期二
2017-10-18 星期三
2017-10-19 星期四
08:30-16:00 银组决赛(航线赛)金组决赛(航线赛+长距离赛)
2017-10-20 星期五08:30-17:00赛队离开
7.2  10月19日15点00分以后不再发出比赛预告信号。
10.场地比赛区域是广西省柳州市内约50公里的柳江水域。附录 A 是比赛水域的示意图。
12.1 规则 44.1 更改为将转动两圈惩罚变成一圈。
12.2 仲裁委员会的裁决为最终裁决。  
13.1 采用帆船竞赛规则附录A之低分计分法。
13.2 预赛的成绩不带入决赛。
13.3 预赛至少完成1轮成绩才能有效,如果比赛少于5轮,则各赛队成绩就是其所有完成的竞赛轮成绩的总和。 如果完成5轮或5轮以上则去掉一轮最差分数。
13.4 决赛至少完成1轮成绩方为有效,如果比赛少于5轮,则各赛队成绩就是其所有完成的竞赛轮成绩的总和。如果完成5轮或5轮以上则去掉一轮最差分数(长距离赛成绩除外)。
19.奖励金组决赛总分前 3 名颁发奖杯、奖金和成绩证书,其余则颁发参赛证书和奖金。
冠军奖金      RMB30000元
亚军奖金      RMB20000元
季军奖金      RMB10000元第四名至第六名各参赛队将依次获得8000元、6000元、4000元参赛奖金
21.免责声明参赛选手须自己承担参赛的风险和责任。见规则RRS4-决定参赛。组委会不对赛事期间可能发生的任何人员伤亡,器材损坏和丢失负责。 22.保险每个参赛队员必须自行购买并持有保额至少50万元的人身意外险方能参赛,保险必须在赛事期间及赛事区域有效,请在报名时提交各赛队的保险证明的原件或复印件给组委会验证,未能提供者组委会安排保险柜员现场办理。
帐号:5530 1010 0100 503859   
报名咨询:联系人:张羽 电话:18078499539   邮件:18078499539@163.com (报名资料请发此邮箱)
接待咨询:联系人:张羽 电话:18078499539   邮件:18078499539@163.com (报名资料请发此邮箱)
组委会电话:+86-772-8806666    组委会传真:+86-772-8805555

Organizer:Chinese Yachting Association
Eventmanagement: Sports Bureau of LiuzhouCo-organizeriuzhou Riviera Yacht Club 1. RULES1.1 The regatta will be governed by the latest rules defined in International Sailing Competition Rules (RRS).1.2 No national authority prescriptions will apply.1.3 This Notice of Race may be amended by 2017 Liuzhou China River Regatta Sailing Instructions.1.4 When there is a conflict or change between Chinese and English version of the regatta, English version shall prevail. 2. ADVERTISINGBoats shall be required to display advertising chosen and supplied by the organizing committee in accordance with ISAF Regulation 20. Teams should not show other advertising content on the boat, except with the prior written confirmation of the organizing committee.                                                 3. ELIGIBILITY &ENTRY3.1 The regatta is open to entries from local and international sailors (andcrew) that may be representing a country /a city /a club (or simply an individual boat owner).3.2 The maximum number of skipper and crew members in each team is 6.3.3 Entry time: from now on till September 25th, 2017. The maximum number of teams accepted by the Organizing Committee is 28 (Teams are welcome to bring their boats of the same class). Teams that were in the Gold Group in 2016 Liuzhou China River Regatta will be given the priority to eligibility.3.4 The crew members on a boat shall not fewer than 3 but not more than 5 at any moment in the race. The total weight of all crew members on a boat shall not exceed 360Kg. Each team will be weighed at the time of registration (please bring the entire team). Any crew substitutions need to make sure that weight is checked by the organizing committee prior to the race.3.5 Entry Form together with the photos with all crew members and the skipper, introduction to the team (About 500 words in both Englishand Chinese) shall be sent to 18078499539@163.com no later than November 25th, 2017.3.6 Only when each team completes the payment of the entry fee and receives the confirmation e-mail or fax from the organizing committee, will the entry be confirmed.3.7 By participating in the regatta, a competitor automatically grants the organizing committee and its sponsors the right to use and display his\her names, portraits and other materials in any graphic and multimedia productions (live and taped television programs and movies etc.) during and after the period of the regatta without compensation. 4. EVENTSThe regatta will use Short Course and Distance Race models and International J/80 Class. The organizing committee reserves the rights to add more teams ormore classes.
Please refer to web of J80's introduction:http://www.jboats.com/j80/j80dimensions.htm   5. FEES5.1 Entry fee for each team is RMB 5,000 ( including the fee of boats and lunch during the regatta, etc.). The teams shall remit entry fee to the nominated bank account before 25th September 2017. Teams that bow out before 30th September, the entry fee will be refunded. The organizing committee will not refund the entry fee after that time limit.5.2 Each team shall pay for refundable damage deposit RMB 4,000 (Or equal foreign currency).5.3 Accommodations will be provided by the organizing committee and sponsors during the regatta. All teams shall wear the clothes provided by the organizing committee in the opening and closing ceremonies.5.4 All teams will receive J80 boats provided by the organizing committee on 16th October. Any teams in need of boats before 16th October shall contact the organizing committee. The rent of each J80 boat is RMB 1,000 per day. 6. QUALIFYING & FINALS6.1 The organizing committee randomly divides 28 teams into group A and B. The teams draw will be held in skippers meeting. No teams can protest the grouping.6.2 After the qualifying races, the top 7 teams of group A and B will go to Gold group and the other teams will be in Silver group. 6.3 There will be 5 rounds of course race in qualifying race.6.4 There will be 5 rounds of races (including course race and distance race) in the final of Gold group.6.5 There will be 3 rounds of course race in the the final of Silver group. 7. SCHEDULE7.1 Schedule of the regattaRegistration starts at 9 AM to 15 PM on 16th October 2017 (See the supplementary contents issued by the organizing committee after the registration).Registration process includes:7.1.1 Paying refundable damage deposit RMB 4, Boat drawing and boat checking. TimeActivityMonday16th October 201709:00-15:00Check In and Registration12:00-16:00PracticeTime16:30-17:15Media Briefing17:20-18:00Skippers MeetingTuesday17th October 201709:00-17:00A and B Qualifying Races Wednesday18th October 201709:00-17:00A and B Qualifying Races Thursday19th October 201708:30-16:00Gold & Silver  Group Finals Friday 20th October 201708:30-17:00Leaving 7.2 Warning signal will not be made after 15:00 PM on 19th October.
8. MEASUREMENT Equipment of One-design Class provided by the organizing committee shall not be replaced or changed. Any substitution of the damaged equipment shall be implemented after the submission of a written application to the race committee and obtaining the approval ofthe measuring committee. Decisions of the Jury on equipment substitutions are final. 9. SAILING INSTRUCTIONS Sailing Instructions will be available at registration. 10. VENUE Racing area will be located in the water area o fLiujiang river. Appendix A shows the location of the racing area. 11. COURSE Details of the course race will be provided in the sailing instructions. 12. PENALTY SYSTEM 12.1 Rule 44.1 is changed so that theTwo-Turns Penalty is replaced by the One-Turn Penalty.12.2 The decisions of the Jury will befinal. 13. SCORING 13.1 The Low Point System of RRS Appendix A will apply.13.2 Qualifying results will not be carried into the final.13.3 One race is required to be completed to constitute a series in the qualifying race. When fewer than 5 races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores. When 5 or more races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores excluding her worst score.13.4 One race is required to be completed to constitute a series in the finals. When fewer than 5 races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores. When 5 or more races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores excluding her worst score (the score of distance race excepted). 14. SUPPORT BOATSAll support boats shall stay outside areas where boats are racing from the time of the preparatory signal for the first class to start until all boats have finished or retired. 15. BERTHING Boats shall be kept in the places assigned by the organizing committee. 16. LIFTING RESTRICTIONBoats many not be lifted out of the water without the approval of the organizing committee during the regatta. 17. DIVING DEVICES & FLOTATION DEVICEFrom the first warning signal till the end of the regatta, it is not allowed to use Scuba, plastic flotation device or anything similar around the boat. 18. RADIO COMMUNICATION 18.1 All boats shall bring their own marine band VHF radios. The organizing committee will monitor channel 72 and alternative channel 77during the race. Except in an emergency, a boat shall not make radio transmissions while racing. This restriction also applies to mobile telephones.18.2 VHF radios are available at the organizing committee. The rent of a VHF radiois RMB 500 and the refundable deposit RMB 1,000. 19. PRIZESMedals, prizes and certificates will be awarded to the top 3 teams in Gold Group. Prizes and certificates will be awarded to the others.Qualifying Race:The1st to the 3rd places of group A & B: RMB 2000, RMB 1500, RMB 1000.Sliver Group Final:The1st to the 3rd place: RMB 2000, RMB 1500, RMB 1000.Gold Group Final:First Place:                         RMB30000Second Place:                    RMB20000Third Place:                        RMB10000The 4th to the 6th place:    RMB 8000, RMB 6000, RMB4000. 20. SAFETYWhen flag Y is displayed on the boat of the race committee before the race, all competitors must wear life jackets, otherwise the team shall be disqualified. Wet or dry sailingclothing shall not be regarded as life-saving appliance. 21. DISCLAIMER OF LIABILITYCompetitors participate in the regatta entirely at their own risk. See rule RRS4, Decision of Race. The organizing committee will not accept any liability for material damage or personal injury or death sustained in conjunction within the period of the regatta. 22. INSURANCEEach crew onboard shall be insured with valid personal accident insurance with a minimum cover of RMB 500,000 effective during the regatta and in the racing area. Each team shall submit the copies of crew insurance certificates to the race committee upon registration. 23. UNSETTLED AFFAIRSThe organizing committee will inform of the unsettled affairs by email. 24. INFORMATIONBank Account Information:Account Name: Liuzhou Riviera Yacht ClubOpening Bank: Industrial Bank Co.,Ltd, Liuzhou BranchAccount: 5530 1010 0100 5038 59 Counsel of Race:Zhang YuTel:  +86-18078499539 E-mail: 18078499539@163.com ( please send your registration form to this        e mail address) Tel of the Organizing Committee:  +86-772-8806666 Fax of the Organizing Committee:  +86-772-8805555
Appendix A  

2017中国柳州国际内河帆船赛报名表 Entry Form Club/Team name俱乐部/帆船队名称:          Team contact赛队联络人:Name姓名:            Nationality国 籍:Email:         Mobile 移动电话:  Skipper船长:          Mobile手机号码: E-mail:                     传    真: Team Member赛队成员信息:序号Name姓名Sex性别证件号/passport/ID 联系电话Nation国籍Position on boat 船上职务Weight 体重Cloth size服装尺码

声明                (俱乐部法人或授权人)已明白无误的了解:1、本帆船赛的赛事规则及相关组织方案,同意组委会和赞助商为赛事的推广,将本俱乐部及参赛人员的相关信息及报名资料公开发布。2、帆船比赛会出现危险,同时明白竞赛委员会对本船的队员或其它第三方所遭受的伤亡、或对船只所遭受的损失或损坏均不负任何责任。3、已阅读并理解《帆船竞赛通知》中的内容。比赛开始前,本人将确保所有船员理解在本参赛声明中所作出的承诺以及购买合适个人保险的重要性。4、已阅读并理解相关的《赛事公告》,并同意遵守所有比赛规则内的各项规定,使用由竞赛委员会提供的船帆或经竞赛委员会批准使用的船帆,不对所使用的帆船做任何更改(如船帆、桅杆、压舱物、装配等),保证参赛船只可按要求随时接受检查;遵守赛事组委会的安排和规定。                                                   签名:______日期: ______               
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